Friday, May 15, 2009

Another week in paradise


Another fun week in the world of digital marketing. All in all, it's been a good week. When I was having a chat with another fellow digiteer, it's good to see how busy all of us are because at least it shows a tangible sign that interest in digital is picking up. Knock on wood and hope it continues...

On a completely unrelated topic. Got a call from Media Magazine the other day asking a pretty relevant question: Did Google hurt the online publishing industry?

My answer is simple: absolutely NOT because Google has finally forced publishers to wake up and smell the coffee! Digital is about accountability and Google's CPC model helped push this agenda... now even the Digital 101 marketers are asking the right questions about accountability and through this, pushing the industry as a whole to own up and start quantifying investments. Best part is that we can now prove success in real, tangible ways...

The best part about all this is that for agencies like us, if we don't wake up and own up, we won't be in business for long...

What do you guys think?

Talk soon.